Queen`s Ta Collective Agreement

The Queen`s TA Collective Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

The Queen`s TA Collective Agreement is a document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for Teaching Assistants (TAs) at Queen`s University in Kingston, Ontario. The agreement is negotiated and signed by the Queen`s University Faculty Association (QUFA) and the Queen`s University Board of Trustees, and it governs the relationship between the university and its TAs.

This collective agreement is an important document for TAs to understand, as it contains crucial information about their rights, obligations, and compensation. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the Queen`s TA Collective Agreement, highlighting some of its key provisions and what they mean for TAs.

Union Membership and Dues

The Queen`s TA Collective Agreement requires all TAs to be members of QUFA. As such, union dues are deducted from TAs` paychecks each month. These dues fund the union`s activities, including advocacy, representation, and collective bargaining.

Employment Status and Duration

TAs` employment at Queen`s University is considered temporary and casual, and they are hired on a term-by-term basis. The duration of each term may vary depending on the department`s needs, but cannot exceed one year. It is important to note that TAs are not considered regular employees of Queen`s University and are not entitled to the same benefits as full-time staff.


The Queen`s TA Collective Agreement sets out the hourly rate of pay for TAs, which is determined by their level of education and experience. As of September 2021, the minimum hourly rate for a TA with a bachelor`s degree is $44.16, while the maximum rate for a PhD student is $63.56. TAs are also entitled to receive a benefits package that includes dental, vision, and extended health coverage.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Queen`s TA Collective Agreement outlines the duties and responsibilities of TAs, which may vary depending on the course and department. Generally, TAs are responsible for leading tutorials, grading assignments and exams, holding office hours, and providing academic support to students. TAs are also expected to attend meetings with the instructor of the course and to adhere to the policies and procedures of Queen`s University.

Training and Development

The Queen`s TA Collective Agreement requires Queen`s University to provide TAs with training and development opportunities to enhance their skills and prepare them for their roles. This may include workshops on teaching strategies, grading practices, and classroom management. TAs are also encouraged to participate in professional development activities outside of the university, such as conferences and webinars.

Grievance and Arbitration Procedures

In the event of a dispute between a TA and Queen`s University, the Queen`s TA Collective Agreement provides a process for resolving grievances. TAs are encouraged to first attempt to resolve the issue informally, but if that is unsuccessful, they can file a formal grievance with the university. If the grievance cannot be resolved through this process, it may be referred to an arbitrator for a final decision.


The Queen`s TA Collective Agreement is a vital document for TAs at Queen`s University. It outlines their rights, obligations, and compensation while employed at the university. By understanding the terms and conditions of the agreement, TAs can ensure that they are being treated fairly and can advocate for their own interests if necessary.